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"Structuring, Negotiating & Litigating Public Deals: Has the Pendulum Moved?"

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

2:00 - 3:00 pm, eastern [archive and transcript to follow]

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With landmark decisions being issued by the Delaware courts almost every month, corporate law doctrines that have guided deal lawyers for a generation are rapidly evolving. Come hear a panel of three leading transactional lawyers & litigators as they discuss how recent Delaware case law and statutory changes are influencing the way that M&A deals are structured, negotiated, and litigated. Join:

  • Ray DiCamillo, Director, Richards Layton & Finger, PA
  • Cliff Neimeth, Shareholder, Greenberg Traurig LLP
  • John Zeberkiewicz, Director, Richards Layton & Finger, PA

Among the topics of this program are:

  • How have Trulia and other recent disclosure cases affected the litigation landscape?
  • How are cases like Family Dollar and C&J Energy influencing the transaction process?
  • What's the latest guidance on pre- and post-signing market checks?
  • What do Corwin and other recent cases mean for doctrines like Revlon and Unocal?
  • How has MFW changed the way control stockholder deals are structured & litigated?
  • Where are appraisal rights headed after Dell & DFC and the 2016 DGCL amendments?


Cost: Members of this site are able to attend this critical webcast at no charge. If not yet a member, try a no-risk trial now. The webcast cost for non-members is $595. You can renew or sign up for this no-risk trial online - or by fax or mail via this order form. If you need assistance, send us an email at info@deallawyers.com - or call us at 925.685.5111.

How to access the webcast program:  Visit www.deallawyers.com on the day of the webcast - and you'll see a box with a link to the webcast. You need Flash or Windows Media to listen to the webcast - when you click the webcast link, our system will know which of these you are using.

What you can do if you can't access the live program: If you have a scheduling conflict or have problems accessing webcasts generally (due to firewalls, etc.), a text transcript of the program will be posted on DealLawyers.com about a week after the live webcast.  In addition, an audio archive of the webcast will be posted immediately after the program. We don't apply for CLE for any of our audio webcasts. If you want to download the audio after the webcast is over, we understand that you can do that with software called SoundLeech - or if you have an Apple device, download the Puffin app (which is a browser), then log-in as usual to our site and select "Listen via Flash."